Meet Naveen Maremanda, the mastermind behind world of Sathvik and his friends. Naveen, hailing from the bustling city of Hyderabad, India, is the son of Maremanda Seetha Ramaiah, well-known journalist in Telugu newspapers, and Sita Ratna Kumari who is a home-maker. From a young age, Naveen had a passion for storytelling and visual expressions, leading him to start classical animation at the age of 10.
During his college days, Naveen created animated children's stories and rhymes that were a huge hit in the early 2000s. Fast forward to now, Naveen is a successful software professional by day, but by night he transforms into a creative force, bringing to life the adventures of Sathvik and his gang through his writing.
But, where did Naveen get his inspiration for the character of Sathvik? Well, it's no coincidence that his own son is named Sathvik Maremanda.
That's right, Naveen's own littlesidekick has been his inspiration all along!
When asked about the creation of the book, Naveen says, "I just wanted to write something that both kids and adults can enjoy. And also I wanted to thank my father, who always supported me in my passion for writing and my mother for always being there for me and my wife Vishnu Priya , for putting up with me when I was writing." So there you have it, folks. Next time you're flipping through the pages of "The World of Sathvik and his Friends", just remember, it's all thanks to the wild imagination of Naveen Maremanda.